Sunday, June 21, 2020

Black Live Matters, The Scam that keeps on giving.

Something about this BLM Movement didn't quite smell right. Why is it that the death of George Floyd would set off a movement which hadn't gained much ground in the past. Now all of the sudden you have all these corporations showing their support, politicians showing their support of what by it's very name is a racist movement.

George Floyd's death was tragic, and the officer who should have already being prosecuted, for other incidents in the past is now locked up as he should be. That being said.... should blacks all around the country be rioting and burning buildings down in their own neighborhoods over the death of a career criminal? It really doesn't make sense to me....UNTIL, you look at some of the news stories leading up to it.... Polls had shown Black support for Trump was up around 40%. This would be devastating to Democrats. Not only would it mean a win for Trump in November.... but it would also impact down ballot races as well... Democrats and the deep state can't let this happen... so the deep state.Media and Globalists stoked the racial fires.

I started doing some research into Black Live Matter. This wasn't easy since there seems to be several groups who have cropped up using that name to try to capitalize on the fever. I started looking at 501 (c)3 organizations, and I found only 1 registered under the name Black Lives Matter Foundation. The IRS 990 disclosure form shows in belongs to a music producer in California, he is the only employee, and he disclosed around 1/4 million in revenue to the charity. when you dig a little deeper he doesn't really detail where the fund went to. I then found out the Black Lives Matter website was not ran by the same man. In fact they have a dispute with him over the name... The group who runs the website is Black Lives Matter Global Network... I can find no IRS 990 for them, and a search of the Propublica non profit organization site comes up with zero results for the foundation. So, from there I started looking at their donation page. When you donate to BLM. you make the donations through ActBlue. When you research BLM and ActBlue... you find that all donations to BLM from ActBlue are made to Thousand Currents. ( Notice how hard it is to follow the money? seems like a laundering scheme to me.) So who funds Thousand Currents? Thousand Currents is funded by many left-leaning institutional donors, which include the Andrus Family Fund (a subsidiary of the Surdna Foundation), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, International Planned Parenthood Federation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, and Foundation for a Just Society, the NoVo Foundation, the Libra Foundation.The Ford Foundation, Tom Steyer and George Soros.
If you look up many of the foundations that support thousand currents... you will see many of them support population control.. Also, since BLMGN isn't a 501 (c)3 org. They don't have to disclose where they spend their money, and can donate to Political campaigns, PACS, and SuperPACS.
Are you starting to get the picture now? It is no coincidence that this is all happening in Democrat run states, and Democrat run cities. These cities have been failing their citizens for decades. It also is no coincidence that it comes at a time when people have been put out of work, and cooped up for months because the "experts" said we needed to shut the country down because of a virus that has a 99% recovery rate. This hoax had started loosing steam... so the media, deep state and Globalists had to come up with something else to blame on Trump. 
To sum it up... if this wasn't an election year... and there was a democrat or deep state republican in office.... non of this shit would be happening... you watch. After Trump wins the election. They will be off on another witch hunt.... the book that Bolton illegally published will be the ground work except this time it will be China Gate...LoL I Just hope the Republicans win back the House and keep the Senate. I also hope the Republicans who run these committees grow a spine and go after these Democrat Criminals, and Deep Staters like Bolton... We really do need to drain the swamp, and Take back Washington.

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