Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Truth About Minimum Wage

How to start this....

People are ignorant! This ranting and protesting for a $15.00 minimum wage is just stupid. For starters people don't see that this works against their stated objective, and two will end up with them right back in the same place they already are. Three they are just being used as pawns by the union to achieve their goals.

Let me explain. The biggest argument is that people can't "live" off minimum wage. Well, here's a clue for all you people who don't understand how things're not suppose to! It's suppose to be a starting point not a destination. how it works against their objective.

example: Let's say they raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour tomorrow. Well that business owner will be forced to raise his prices to be able to provide you that wage. Which in fact will cost everything across the board to go up. (transportation, fuel, food, vegetables, meats,rent....EVERYTHING!) You see, it's not just you getting a raise in pay..... Everyone will get a raise in pay..The unions will make sure of this... I know these people will celebrate and say " see it's good for everyone." but that is their ignorance talking.
Because, in effect, by raising the minimum wage, you caused the price of everything to go up, everyone to get a raise, and you end right back where you were, not being able to "live" off something you weren't suppose to live off of in the first place.

The above example covers issues one and two.  As for item 3....The Unions set their collective bargaining for their members based on the minimum wage in the country. The unions have 2 goals in this "fight" for a raise in the minimum wage. 1.) To raise the wages of already over paid union members, So they can pay more union dues, So the unions can continue to pump money into political campaigns. So they can buy off more politicians. 2.) so they can get MORE union members who they can get MORE union dues from. That way they can continue to pump money into more political campaigns. So that they can buy more politicians to get them to raise the minimum wage again... So this is like washing your hair... Lather, rinse and repeat...
Basically you're being pawned!

Now all that has been said let me state this. The Minimum wage is only a symptom of the bigger problems that no one is talking about... Why is no one talking about them? Well simply put.... the Government is hoping that with your public education, and their distraction tactics. You won't be smart enough to figure it out... So what is it you ask? The fiscal and immigration policies of the government... Notice I said Government... not republican or democrats. The Fed has been lowering the value of the US Dollar for about 7 years now. They call it Quantitative easing. This is just a fancy way of saying they are printing more money to buy US Bonds. Why are they doing this? well quite simple, people... average US citizens and countries are not buying US bonds because they earn no money off them. Eventually, they will become worthless, and the US Dollar will collapse. Why are they doing this? A stronger dollar means a stronger economy... right? EXACTLY! There are actually 2 reasons behind it. One they are trying to hide inflation, and two because there are people in this country, and other who are actually hedging their bets on the collapse of the US Dollar. Meaning they will make money on it....

Now the Immigration policy. The more people you bring in this country... legal and illegal. means fewer jobs for the American who is already here. The American citizen is being forced to work more hours and for less money. Now I know some of you are going to quote the mimi " they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do..." Well that is in a word.... BULLCHIPS! The construction industry in this country has been taken over by illegal immigrants. Those are were sought after well paying jobs at one time. Now that illegals are doing those jobs for less money... it has forced people to have to look elsewhere. This has happened in many industries in this country.Now are businesses making more money with the cheaper labor? No.... with increased regulations, and taxes these businesses are having to do this to keep their doors open. Manufacturing jobs and food processing jobs... same thing... The only traditionally common place we used migrant workers in this country was in the farming communities. Even Cesar Chavez was opposed to illegal immigrants for the reasons I am stating here... But that isn't something widely discussed.

All of these issues are interconnected, and there being only a few benefactors to all of this civil unrest... That being the Federal Government and the Ruling Class. They make money and stay in power creating all this mess. Which is why the Founding fathers wanted the role of the Federal Government to be limited with More control being ceded to the State and Local governments. So that We the People could closer control it.
As Ronald Reagan once famously said:

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

 I know there are going to say I am just a conspiracy theorist. Well to that I say; it is just your public education speaking. Do the research for yourself and quit buying into the propaganda the media and Government is feeding you...

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