Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Border Issue

Lets start this by examining this issues.

First off, this is another created crisis. Obama keeps talking about he will do what he can executively to stem the flow. Well it was his actions of not enforcing the current laws on the books that created this problem in the first place. He did this by signing an executive order called DACA. So, with that being said... why doesn't he start by enforcing the laws which are already on the books? The truth is. he has no intention on doing anything to stem the tide of illegals. He could right now close the border in about 48 hours. He could call on congress, to pass a bill allowing him to deploy the Army to the border, and I bet this would pass BOTH houses with flying colors.

As a side note. For those who do not know. the President just can't send troops of any kind to the border. There has to be an act of congress signed into law to do this. The history on this dates back to after the civil war, when congress thought ole' Abe over stepped his bound by suspending Habeas Corpis, and declaring martial law. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits the use of U.S. military forces to perform the tasks of civilian law enforcement such as arrest, apprehension, interrogation and detention unless explicitly authorized by Congress on US Soil.
Can a governor place his states National Guard forces at the border? Yes
So when you start screaming send the troops to the border. Keep this in mind and then ask you congressman/woman why. Some might be surprised by the answer.

Second, This one is for the Republican establishment. Obama does nothing by accident... Wake up you stupid idiots!!!!! He knows this is a vote killer to your base. So, he keeps pushing it and pushing it... hoping you will jump on board and lose the election for yourself. He knows at this point without you guys doing immigration reform that the Democrats are set to lose in 2014. You can only lose this election on your own, and pushing immigration reform is the vehicle he has chosen.

As for the US Chamber of Commerce, Facebook, and Google. They want comprehensive immigration reform for a much different reason that has to do with H1a and H1B visas. The H1A and H1B visas allows for people to be shipped in from overseas to work legally in the good ole USA.  These are generally Tech jobs, and engineering jobs. They get paid a lot less than their Home grown counterparts. Not to mention the plethora of unskilled workers that are coming in from south of the border.  Who take lower wage jobs in the construction industry, manufacturing, and service industries.

So as you see there isn't much incentive for anyone to get anything done about the border.....

Edit: Yes the Governor can send the State Guard to the Border. After further research I found I was incorrect.

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