Monday, September 7, 2020

The Polls are Fake!

 Make no mistakes, from everything I am hearing the "Polls" are showing Biden in the lead are not wrong, they are being faked to show Biden in the lead, so when Trump wins the election. They will use these fake polls, and fake exit polls to say Biden really won the election, and that he should not concede. This will be done to allow them time to come up with the mail in votes to try to over turn the election... Get ready folks.... Oh and if you don't think they will do it? They have been doing in in smaller races for years and 2018 they did it in a larger scale to get control of congress.... Think about how many races... even Karen Hadels race, where they won on election day but days later were declared losers by relatively small margins.. This fight is coming to your door and you're going to have to pick a side...

.... One More thing...
Think about how Abrams has conducted herself... she thought or was TOLD she had it in the bag... They just underestimated the Conservative Georgia Populous and the margin was just too high for them to pull off the steal..... Her behavior isn't that of a sore loser... it is more of a reaction of someone in disbelief..

We are going to have to turn out in record numbers and vote NOTHING but republican down the entire ballot to fight this communist insurgency in our country and start taking back the institutions from them...

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