Friday, June 27, 2014

Mississippi's Burning

Over the Past week there has been a dust up in Mississippi over the Cochran/McDaniel race. I have read and listened to all the commentators, and read most of the articles. Now I think it is time I put my two cents out there for those who care to listen.
 What the establishment did was wrong... if they did it. However, McDaniel and the Tea Party have no one but themselves to blame. This was a hotly contested race. They KNEW that there was going to be some dirty pool, and if they didn't know they should have known. After all it wasn't exactly a secret that the establishment was going to "reach out" to democratic voters.
Now as to why I say they have no one to blame but themselves. Lets look at the numbers... with 376,323 votes cast which by all results was larger than the June 3 turn out. You mean to tell me that the Tea Party couldn't get 7000 or 8000 more voters to the polls? Did they expect the RHINO's to just lay down?
C'mon everyone knew Haley Barbour was doing everything behind the scenes to get Ole' Thad elected.
The Tea Party is suppose to be the peoples movement. We should be selecting good candidates, and get the ground game behind them. We shouldn't be trying to eek out slim victories. We should be trouncing the establishment.  This should have never gone to a run off. This is where the mistake was made.
So go ahead and contest the results, but I don't believe you'll win. Whatever you Mr. McDaniels, decide to do... Do it with Class and with Honor. Don't whine and cry about it...
As for the people who sit there and talk about "how do we punish the establishment?" Elect them and hold their feet to the fire at every turn. Giving up control of the senate just because you're mad... In my opinion is just plain stupid, and as my Granny use to say.... "you're cutting your nose off to spite your face"

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